About Instructor Dunkin
As a karate instructor and an adventure racer, I need to be an entrepreneur to be able to travel and train. I taught school for five years, coached for 18 years, taught martial arts for 12 years and have had a number of successful businesses. Now my Saturdays are devoted to racing, coaching my son and play, but I still love martial arts and have some insider knowledge on gear. Why is that? Well I am a black belt of course, which opens you up to a new world of gear-meaning the retailers will now talk to you! Before you ask about the red belt pictures. That was during my test over 10 years ago! The Beginning Being an avid adventure racer, I compete in some of the biggest and best races in the country. That requires months of training for hours each day and time away for the actual race.
I will be gone for 14 days at at time for an expedition race. I need to work from home. You can see my team at Intrepid Racing Team. Yes, this is also a
SBI site-builder site, as is this site. The site is:
Extreme Adventure Sports.
I have owned and operated a number of small internet businesses. My latest was Yahoo Stores.I spent allot of time on eBay. Now I was successful on eBay, but it was very time consuming. One morning after CJ and I had spend about 50 hours uploading our inventory, eBay had shut our store down, without warning. I went from a nice income of close to $2000 month to nothing overnight. I remember being so frustrated with the amount of time I was spending trying to make it work. I tried a yahoo store after eBay but wasn't getting any traffic. Finding Success I needed to work from home in order to live my dream which was to be a stay-at-home mom for my son and to be an elite adventure racer. The race was on! I stumbled upon SiteSell and finally I was inspired by a story from
Eliad on SBI site-sell.
A bit skeptical from having been burned before, I pursued the program. Thank you SBI! My son, my endurance racing team and my business partner thank you as well. Live on the Edge That has been my motto for years and now my young MMA site earns $several thousand a month with me not touching it, while I have taken time away to build this site and my adventure racing site. I do want to say most of our traffic is driven to our store, to be fair. Update January 2009
My MMA site with only 35 pages brought in $2400 last month.
Update November 2010 I am working hard on the MMA site right now. We are growing visitors every day and have almost doubled the income.
This is allowing us to hire writers in Colorado, web designers from Malaysia and ad-words assistants from Asia! Update Summer 2012
Life is sweet here at home. We have a new black belt. Yes Jack is a black belt now! I am so proud. As for the business, we are thriving. We have 6 people working for us now, and CJ has taken over the sales. Jack will be partly home-schooling this year, so I've learned to outsource most of the work. It is has worked great and I cannot wait until next year! I am so grateful this business allows me to do this with Jack, and take some awesome vacations with the extra income.
